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About Mad

About L Mad Hildebrandt

I am a former Congressional Candidate – the national kind, not the state kind. I am also a Philosopher. Historian. Professor. Doctor. Reformed Politician. An Author writing & researching stories of life, love, laughter, & death.

Sometimes we are a little bit of everything. For an author, the more things we’ve been, and experienced, the more we can write ‘from what we know.’ Apparently, I’ve been a smattering of an awful lot of things. So, the more the merrier, and I’m not done yet!

I write a good mystery. Dark, moody, set somewhere in time, with a dash of sexy. If it’s not a gritty, historical mystery, it’s probably a romantic suspense. Or a cozy mystery. If it isn’t dark, it better be funny. I guess that makes me a ‘bi-polar writer.’


Maybe not that kind of pole ↑

I love Christmas and Puffins, and I’m crazy for Penguins, so I actually would love to get down to Antarctica someday. (I say down, because I live in the USA, and like other North Americans I consider my entitled self ‘up’). I’ve also been awfully far north in the land of the midnight sun, the reindeer, and the polar bear. So, to be truly ‘bi-polar’ I need to tick Antarctica off my bucket list.

I also love to camp — er — glamp in my over-the-top beast of an RV. I don’t think it’ll be taking me to visit the southern pole. That’s a long flight followed by a float. Consequently, the far southern reaches are not in my near future due to the time- and money-sink nature of the endeavor.

So, what’s unique about me today? I am a #RVLifer. Yep, that means I live full-time in the old RV, accompanied by husband and our Bernerdoodle Lucy.

I write full-time, too, so watch for new releases!